Community development is our passion!


A family with new-born triplets left homeless


River Island Trust responded with assistance to a woman who lost her leg in a crocodile battle a few years back. This unfortunate incident left the woman to attend leg amputation operation at a local hospital. She was subject to poverty in the community. Light came up at the tunnel end when she got pregnant and gave birth to healthy triplets.

RIT Team's response to the situation was swift and vital by supply of basic child necessities, food and moral support. In line with RIT objectives, we reserved proposals in our project sites to sustain such disadvantaged in our community.
We look forward to improving the quality of life for our people.

RIT assists beneficiary family with kind donation items - July 2021 

JET SPRAY/WASHER handover to a beneficiary - August 2021

RIT Projects in Action

Community development is our passion!
Moral and social support projects

Some of the displaced members in our community are homeless. RIT aims to improve general livelihood and the quality of life in our community. Hope is vital.

Harare Highfield

Boredom, lack of resources and social-driven stress leads youths into drug addiction. RIT carries the vision to develop projects to restore the affected lives.

Harare South Chicken
Project expansion

RIT Team upon assessment of some affected women in Ushewokunze, more chicken projects have been added to the Harare South site and beneficiaries. Read more..

RIT Team
Order placements

Our team member, Prince places an order for day old chicks and poultry feed. 

RIT Team aims to empower the community with self sustaining projects. 
Learn more on how we are working together as a team in laying the foundations for big things yet coming. Read more..

Harare South RIT beneficiaries and challenges testimonial

Click video to learn more on RIT project beneficiaries


These are busy times for our team and beneficiaries at the Harare South project.  In some cases, the chickens have matured enough for marketing. RIT beneficiaries are using word of mouth and social media links to drive chicken sales.

RIT hopes that soon they will be able to acquire a small utility vehicle for transportation of chickens to and from the market. For now the only mode of transport is a wheelbarrow which carries a makeshift cage. We are pleased that our project beneficiaries continue to rise despite the challenges at the current instance.
The effects of Covid-19 also reduced our market base for chickens.
For some of our beneficiaries, general livelihood has improved

 Harare Highfield Community

This targeted community for the RIT project had their homes and dwellings demolished by the Harare City Council in July 2021. More families have nothing left to call home and this leaves most of them to seeking help from well-wishers like RIT and similar community interest entities.

Highfield Harare community is a densely populated neighbourhood with high levels of unemployment. The July 2021 urban demolishing in conjunction to prevailing poverty presents a habitation crisis in this community. Youths, orphans and widows are exposed to these conditions in our community. This leads to social stress and compromised behaviour.

RIT aims to restore sanity to the homeless, drug addicts as well as to identify methods of addressing girl-child concerns of this community.


We have managed to resuscitate this beast after 2 years of lying idle in the backyard. This is a diesel powered Changfa compressor which can be used to tackle rocks, both on the surface and underground when building or digging water wells. It can also be used to flush out boreholes.

RIT aims to use this equipment at very affordable rates for those who can afford to pay in order to recover costs. For the identified beneficiaries, the services will be footed by RIT. Any profits will be channeled towards the RIT causes.

Community development is our passion!

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