Community development is our passion!

How to DONATE towards River Island Trust (RIT)

  1. Accounts            All donation enquiries of Cash/Payments can be directly sent to                                                                 
  2. Operations         All donation enquiries of Kind/Items can be directly sent to                                                                   
  3. Join RIT Projects  All enquiries on beneficiary assistance can be directly sent to                                          

Coronavirus Crisis 
2021 COVID-19 Response

Zimbabwe has not been spared by the Covid-19 pandemic and RIT has been actively involved in bringing awareness about the pandemic to the local communities, encouraging residents to exercise caution. Community members have been encouraged to wear their face coverings, wash their hands with soap and water and exercise social distancing whenever in public. Awareness campaigns were also extended to the local communities by RIT representatives who have been actively encouraging people to go and get vaccinated. The vaccination process has been met with a lot of resistance due to social media conspiracy theories discouraging people from being vaccinated. However, the RIT representatives and some beneficiaries have been vaccinated and are using their proof of vaccination to encourage the sceptics.

RIT members have been fortunate to have two of their leaders who are based in the UK in Northampton where they have been tirelessly volunteering as Community Champions with a UK Charity Organisation named United African Association in the fight against the spread of the virus. The two have managed to disseminate all the guide lines and information to RIT members who pass on the information to locals.

RIT representatives have led by examples wearing their masks when meeting with people outside their bubble such as poultry customers and other beneficiaries and ordinary people who they come across. RIT has been working with some well-wishers who sew some clothing masks that were donated to the vendors who sell goods along the streets as a way of income generation.

Going forward, the two RIT members in the UK have managed to secure PPE equipment in the form of masks , gloves and hand sanitisers which they are working on sending to Zimbabwe to be distributed in the local communities to fight the spread of the pandemic which has raked havoc in Zimbabwe of late. The RIT representative in UK are working on sourcing for donations for the shipping cost.

Kindly contact us if you wish to get involved or donate towards RIT goals.

Contact Us


+263 785097158
+263 734111716
+44 7925718481


Corporate Office

400117 Block 15
Highfield, Harare

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